2021 According to Honne

4 min readJan 17, 2022

Looking back in 2021, it was a year of uncertainty and growth for myself. I had just graduated from university and did not have a job lined up. On top of that, I was navigating failed relationships and religious deconstruction. All these were very uncomfortable, especially because I’m a huge fan of certainty and planning. However, 2021 also spelt the greatest year of growth for myself.

Here’s my 2021 as described by a song titled smile more smile more smile more by my favourite singer Honne (Yes, I’m a proud top 0.1% listener in 2021 according to Spotify).

The song start with the lyrics this is one for the future generation, and goes on to give advice on how our generation can live our life. Oddly enough, this song does remind myself of what’s truly important in life.

1. Learning New Things

Create memories, not JPEGs,

Be creative, draw

Learn a language

Dance, even if it feels really awkward

Prior to 2021, I was never really interested in learning anything “non practical”. As a student, I often picked up skills that were “practical” and could either help me get a job or achieve other practical goals in life. However in 2021, I realised that I had a lifetime ahead of me to try and explore new things. I found more joy in trying new things, even if they may not provide any “useful” outputs. There were definitely some tough moments such as when I really struggled to finish my Thai homework. But I have to admit that it was an extremely fun year trying out new experiences! I also learned to be unafraid of failures, to enjoy the process more than the outcome. After all, that’s the whole point of learning. Here’s some rather random things I tried:

  • Learn Thai (khoop khun kha!)
  • Blogging (Figuring website, blogs, newsletters and so on)
  • Streaming! (Trying to stream myself playing games)
  • Skateboarding (Who knew balancing on a board could be so hard!)
  • Dancing (a new genre, which was oddly tough)

2. Supporting Communities

Support your community

Start With Your Neighbour and walk outward

Prior to 2021, I would describe myself as rather apathetic to community initiatives. However, I started thinking more seriously about how I could give back to those around me more. I felt so lost as there seemed to be so many initiatives out there, and yet so limited time to find out about them. I did not know exactly what causes I was passionate for, and what I could actually do to help.

I decided to start small with opportunities around me. As I’m passionate about women’s related causes, I volunteered with Tech For She. I also volunteered with Thrive Consulting, an initiative aimed to help non profits with their business strategy. Given that I have limited time, I also tried donating to causes that I’m interested in, such as one to help support stray dogs.

To be frank, I still don’t know how to better contribute to causes I’m passionate for. Yet, I recognise that I’m taking slow baby steps to explore and discover how I can better serve my community. If you’re in a similar position and don’t know how to start, don’t be afraid to take baby steps in discovering!

3. More Self Love

Feel the sun on your face

Love your body

Look into the mirror and think, “Wow! I’m amazing!”

With the many job rejections faced through the year, it’s hard not to take it personally. I’ve always been rather critical of myself and even more so in 2021. I thought I wasn’t good enough, fit enough, talented enough and so on. But at some point, I realised that I would never be happy if I kept these self criticism going.

Instead, I tried to be more conscious to be more kind to myself and my body. As cliche as it sounds, we do need a bit of compassion for ourselves. An advice I’ve been told is to imagine if I were looking unto myself as a friend. How would I respond to myself? It’s so easy to forget but I guess that’s why self love requires a conscious effort.

Perhaps the biggest lesson of 2021 from talking to others on the same journey is that everyone is self discovering, growing and getting lost sometimes too.

Quoting Honne again

Look, no one knows where they’re going

You don’t have to follow a path or

You don’t have to follow anything

Just do what feels right

But if I had to tell you just one thing to change

Just smile more

We may not have a clear plan for what’s next, but that’s perfectly fine. May we enter the near year by smiling more, no matter what 2022 holds.




Passionate about storytelling with data. Aside from that, I share about my learning and adulting journey.